Guiding you to peace and balance
Private Sessions and Retreats
Spiritual Teacher | Healer | Speaker | Life Coach

What to expect during a session with Jennifer
Your first Spiritual Awareness Coaching session will start off with us getting to know each other. I want to know who you are, what challenges you are experiencing, what is creating a sense of "feeling stuck", what are your goals?
Energy will start to build around the conversation. I will help you to understand yourself from a SOUL perspective rather than the limited human perspective. Sometimes we humans get very caught up in the day to day pressures and we forget how to see ourselves from a much greater vantage point. It is so important to understand the concept "right here, right now, everything is okay". And it is important to be fully aware that we all are powerful, creative energy beings with the ability to create whatever we want.
We can talk for the full 90 minutes, or we can let this conversation lead us into hands on work which is energy healing and chakra balancing. This part of the session is powerful, but the "talking part" of the session is even more powerful. Learning how to let go of negative energy and understanding how to let love, peace, and joy energy in is a very important step.
A great analogy: Getting your chakras balanced is like going to the dentist. It's important to get them cleaned and balanced, but if you go back out into the world and eat candy all day long, your teeth won't stay clean for very long. Just as your chakras wont stay balanced if you continue to live within your limiting beliefs. Every experience comes to us in neutral form. How we choose to interpret them is up to us!
The hands on energy healing/chakra balancing starts off with a guided meditation to help bring you out of your monkey mind, and into a your spiritual awareness. The middle of the session is the actual chakra balancing work by way of channeling white light. And then it ends with Tibetan Singing Bowls and sound healing, a very important and impactful chakra balancer.
Remember, this is your time, your healing session. I will meet you where you are, and help guide you along a path of enlightenment. I will always come from a place of respect, love and non judgement. With my guidance, you will decide how you want each session to unfold. No two clients are the same. We are all having very different experiences. I look forward to working with you.
Setzen Sie sich Ziele und schaffen Sie ein ausgeglicheneres Leben mit Ihrer spirituellen Gesundheitstrainerin Jennifer Merritts. Ernähren Sie Körper, Geist und Seele mit gesunder Ernährung, gesunden Beziehungen und einem starken spirituell Verbindung. Treten Sie in Kontakt mit Ihrem eigenen Mächtigen Kreativ Energie . Lernen Sie, giftige Menschen, Lebensmittel und Aktivitäten aus Ihrem Leben zu entfernen. Arbeite mit deinem Coach zusammen, um Freude und Frieden wiederzugewinnen . Es geht nicht um Religion, es geht um dein GEISTIGES ERWACHEN!
We Are A Great Fit If You Want To:​
Attract peace and clarity into your life
Let go of fears
Release past experiences that do not serve you
Remove limiting beliefs
Be part of the change on Earth
Tap into your own healing potential
Live in a state of peace and joy
Find balance within
Connect with something bigger than yourself
Tap into your energetic power
This work is not for everyone,
but if you want to remove fear based energy and limiting beliefs, together we can focus on reaching your place of peace and joy. If you want to learn to see yourself and others from a greater perspective, I can help highlight that path for you.
Spirituality is a way of life, one with many rewards!
Please call (or email) for a free consultation to discuss your goals.
I'd be delighted to speak with you :)