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Looking Into
The Vortex

Answer these questions, and be honest with your answers. You will start to see which of your chakras are most out of balance. The imbalance comes from emotional experiences you can't let go of and/or limiting beliefs. 

If you wish to print these questions, click here to download into your files.

Manipura - 3rd chakra:


  1. I am confident and enjoy who I am.

  2. I like expressing my uniqueness, my talents, and my abilities.

  3. I try to succeed in all I do, but never at the expense of others.

  4. I take time to notice my accomplishments and I am proud of them.

  5. I have been called a bully by others. 

  6. I tend to brag about myself and don’t give others a chance to shine. 

  7. I am capable of achieving my goals.

  8. I know I am enough just as I am.

  9. I feel I am aware of my purpose and aware of my passions.

  10. I value others people’s opinions and welcome their input.

  11. I know what/who/where I want to be and I clearly see the path I need to be on. 

  12. I know I am worthy and equally as important as every other person on earth.

  13. I recognize my addictive characteristics and work at releasing addictive tendencies.


Ajna - 6th chakra:


  1. I recognize there is so much to know and I enjoy learning about the world.

  2. I allow myself the freedom to be myself and not compare myself to others.

  3. I don’t let small things bother me because I’m more focused on the bigger picture.

  4. I am able to see the light in everyone, even people who behave differently than me.

  5. I have some clarity and some understanding of the much bigger picture that is offered to us from the Universe.

  6. I’m accepting of new ideas and expansive thoughts, even if they seem a little nutty.

  7. I am motivated to put new ideas into action.

  8. I love material possessions.

  9. If given the choice I prefer a material gift over an adventure or experience.

  10. I believe in my intuitive ability.

  11. Throughout an average day, I rely on my sense of intuition as much as my intellect.

Anahata - 4th chakra:


  1. I am a good friend to others.

  2. I try to smile at or say hello to strangers that I pass in the grocery store.

  3. I easily accept kindness and love from others.

  4. I am open to forming new, meaningful connections.

  5. I am a good listener and offer support to those in need.

  6. I am surrounded by people who respect, value, and love me.

  7. I am a source of positivity and encouragement in my social circle.

  8. I protect myself from those who dwell in fear based energy (anger, hate, degradation).

  9. I feel bad when others don’t recognize the kind things I do for them.

  10. I feel uncomfortable spending a lot of time alone.

  11. I am able to let go of emotions from experiences that have hurt my heart.

  12. . I provide myself with self-care and self-love and recognize the importance of it.

  13. I know my happiness comes from myself. Any joy I receive from others is a   wonderful bonus.


Muladhara - 1st chakra:


  1. I know I am in control of how I interpret and respond to life.

  2. I realize I am resilient and can overcome challenges.

  3. I feel I am capable of handling stress and pressure.

  4. I never fear the future and practice staying in the moment.

  5. When things get tough I have a “tribe” to connect with and draw support from.

  6. I feel safe in my home environment (and work environment).

  7. I feel at ease expressing my emotions to those in my inner circle.

  8. I have been loved and nurtured by a mother (or father) figure.

  9. I don’t worry excessively about money or security.

  10. I can connect with earth energy and feel the nurturing power that comes from it.

  11. When stress or challenges start to wear me down, I know that I can feel recharged and balanced after spending time in nature.


Svadhisthana - 2nd chakra:


  1. I am able to have fun and enjoy life.

  2. I have hobbies and actually take time to enjoy them. 

  3. I can and do enjoy sexual experiences within safe environments. 

  4. I feel emotional pain when I think about the time(s) I was mistreated regarding sex and/or my body (if any). 

  5. I am not a workaholic.

  6. I often act playful and silly.

  7. I engage in activities that allow me to express my ability to create (whatever I want).

  8. My lifestyle feels stable and predictable (to the degree that is comfortable for me).

  9. I am able to feel emotions deeply while not allowing them to take control over me.

  10. I am aware of the need for balance between gluttony and moderation. 

  11. I’m a hard worker when there is a need for hard work to be done.  


Vishuddha - 5th chakra:


  1. I am a good communicator and express myself clearly.

  2. I am always the most loud (most quiet) person in the room.

  3. I love to gossip.

  4. I am able to express my inner being easily through my daily routine, work, talents.

  5. I am very reliable and very consistent.

  6. My friends and co-workers value what I have to say and I feel heard.

  7. According to others, my words can be sharp or lack “southern hospitality” softness.

  8. As a child I was often silenced by parents or other adults. 

  9. I tend to be overly sarcastic and sometimes I belittle other people. 

  10. When others talk, I listen intently because I care what they have to say. 



Sahasrara - 7th chakra


  1. I have goals or dreams that I positively focus on.

  2. I am committed to personal growth and development.

  3. I feel a calm, loving connection to all humanity in spite of the world’s turmoil.

  4. I know I am more than my physical appearance

  5. I sometimes feel disconnected from my body.

  6. I enjoy being in silence.

  7. I notice many synchronicities or “God Winks” happening in my life.

  8. I often have an overwhelming feeling of confusion. 

  9. I feel I am inherently good but I still have a feeling that I don’t belong.

  10. I’m skeptical of everything new that comes along in my life or into my awareness.

  11. Loud, chaotic places or those entrenched in fear aren’t my favorite things to be around, but I can still feel positive, peaceful and calm in spite of the chaos and negativity. 


Achtsamer Körper mit Seele

Fulton, NY 13069



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Achtsamer Körper mit Seele

100 Dry Mill Road, Suite 102
Leesburg, VA 20175

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