Guiding you to peace and balance
Private Sessions and Retreats
Spiritual Teacher | Healer | Speaker | Life Coach

The Bodhi Tree

Spirituality Workshops
The Bodhi Tree is a sacred tree with heart shaped leaves. It was under this tree that Buddha meditated (around 500 BCE) for 49 days. He did not leave his seat during that time and through his meditation obtained great enlightenment.
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Understand the power of energy/water/your own body
Find comfort connecting with your Angels
Learn how to activate and develop your intuition
Get clear on meditation and how to let go of negative emotions
Practice letting go of the chaos around you.
Learn how to replace negative energy with white light
Experience the healing vibrations of sound
Learn how thoughts impact your body
Learn how to make this a part of your busy life

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Light Lunch will be provided. You're welcome to bring your own snacks.
Inspiring discussion about energy, angels, meditation and how to bring the power of all three into your life to create serious change. We will break down your road blocks.
Turn on your Clairvoyance. Learn how to connect with energy and Angels.
Guided meditations and beautiful Sound Baths.
Wear comfortable clothing, bring your own pillows/blankets if you wish.
The day will be full of meditations, sound baths, awareness, community!
Ask a friend to join you or come alone! Either way, you'll be with friends.
Bring a notepad and pen if you like to take notes. Handouts will be provided.
We will be using meditation chairs. Regular folding chairs available on request.