Spiritual Awareness Coaching | Mindful Body with Soul
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It's not about religion, it's about your Spiritual Awakening!

Set goals and create a more balanced life with Spiritual Awareness Coach, Jennifer Merritts. Nourish your mind, body and soul with healthy relationships, and a strong understanding of your true essence. Understand that you are a Powerful Energy Being. Realize that you are more than just your body. Learn to raise your vibrational frequency. Remove toxic people, foods, and activities from your life in order to regain joy and peace. My goal is to help you become aware of who you are beyond your physical body. In doing so, you will begin to see the bigger picture. Life's challenges become easier and happiness begins to become a regular part of your life. 

In person or virtual appointments available. 

Our world always seemed difficult but these days it can seem overwhelming. Life choices are confusing. Relationships can be tough. As your Spiritual Awareness Coach, I will be your mentor, helping you bring peace, harmony, and balance into your life.


Sometimes You Need More

Many people are referred to a coach by their doctor while some people take it upon themselves to seek out this type of help. During your doctor appointment many areas of health are discussed but some subjects are only touched upon. And your feelings of being lost or out of balance emotionally or mentally from a spiritual standpoint are really not ever part of the conversation. Your doctor may not have the time to spend cultivating the right lifestyle choices for you, especially if your needs outweigh what the doctor is prepared to offer. As we all know, he or she is very busy seeing a long list of patients everyday. Because there is no one size fits all plan when it comes to finding ultimate health and happiness, your doctor may not have the time to set you on the right course. So whether you're referred by a doctor or being your own advocate, make the choice to set your life back on course and into balance

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